
Items in Personalized Santa Video

Capture the Joy and Wonder of Christmas with Your Child's Own Personalized Video from Santa. I will send you:

  • Personalized, 3D Animated Santa Video
  • Santa and Buddy address your child by name
  • Features your child's picture on Santa's Nice list
  • Can feature up to 3 children
  • Delivery in less than 24hrs

All you need is to tell me your kid’s name and upload their pictures!

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Items in Personalized Santa Video

Magical Letter Just for Your Kid.

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2. Choose Template:

3. Personalize the letter

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Dear #{firstName},

Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas! It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year! I’m already smelling the sweet, mouth-watering cookies Mrs. Claus is making up here in the North Pole kitchen and it is certainly putting me in the holiday spirit. I hope you’re enjoying festive treats of your own, playing in the snow, and dancing to the jolly Christmas music playing throughout your home. What is your favorite Christmas song, #{firstName}? Right now, the elves are working on toys for all the good boys and girls. Speaking of good boys and girls, the elves told me that you have been a very good #{gender} this year! I hear that you have #{accomplishments}. This makes me as cheerful as having a whole plate of Mrs. Claus’ famous Figgy Fudge Pudding Cookies! Because of your good behavior and many accomplishments, I’m pleased to inform you that you’ve made Santa’s Nice List this year!

I see that you have added #{wishes} to your wish list for Christmas this year, so I will make sure the elves pack these gifts into my sleigh, along with some other surprises as I make my way to #{cityAndState} this Christmas Eve. Please tell your #{friendType} #{friendName} that I will be coming to see #{friendGenderObj} too.

Rudolph and the other reindeer are getting ready for Christmas too. They are keeping in good shape and eating right so they are strong and healthy. Well, my nice #{gender} I need to get back to my workshop. Don’t forget to get to bed early this Christmas Eve, #{firstName}.

Merry Christmas,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Ho, Ho, Ho! I'm writing to you personally because my Head Elf, Buddy has informed me that you #{firstName} are on my Nice List this year. Bravo! We are all so proud of you and your #{accomplishments}. You have been one of our shiniest snowflakes #{firstName}.

Here in the North Pole, we have been working tirelessly on Christmas presents for the good boys and girls that have made the Nice List all over the country. It's not an easy list to make, but we're happy that the workshop has never been busier. We're so busy that even the reindeer are putting their hooves to work and chipping in, imagine that! Meanwhile, Mrs. Claus is making sure we're well-fed with Buttery Spritz Cookies and an unlimited amount of hot cocoa. Do you know what would make you an even nicer #{gender}, this year? If you could tell your #{friendType} #{friendName} that #{friendGenderSubj} made my Nice List this year too! I see that you have asked for #{wishes} and those have been added to the top of my workshop list for Christmas Eve. Remember, in order to get the presents on your wish list you have to continue being a good #{gender}. Maybe when I come to see you in #{cityAndState} I'll add a little something extra for you under your tree.

Don't forget to get to bed early this Christmas Eve. I can't deliver presents unless all the little boys and girls are fast asleep. Merry Christmas, #{firstName}. I'll see you real soon!

Your Friend,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Jingle bells, Jingle bells, jingle all the way! I love this time of year, don't you, #{firstName}? It is already a winter wonderland here at the North Pole! How is the weather in #{cityAndState}? I see that you have had a great year #{firstName}. I see that you have been #{accomplishments}. Because you have been such a good #{gender}, you are on my Nice List again this year!

Even though it is so much fun to receive Christmas presents and eat Christmas cookies, #{firstName}, remember that the real reason we celebrate Christmas is because of Jesus. I bring you gifts not only because you were such a good #{gender}, but also to celebrate Jesus' birth. When Jesus was born, the three wise men brought Him gifts to celebrate His birth. On Christmas, I bring you gifts as a reminder of this special day. I see that #{wishes} are on your wish list this year. I will try hard to bring you these and maybe some extra special surprises for your really good behavior! Let your #{friendType} #{friendName}, know that I will be bringing gifts for #{friendGenderObj} too!

You know what would make Jesus' birthday even extra special? If you would make him a birthday cake! Here at the North Pole, Mrs. Claus always makes Jesus a birthday cake and then on Christmas we sing Happy Birthday to Him!

Well, #{firstName}, I have to get back to my workshop. You just keep being a good #{gender} and I'll see you very soon!

Merry Christmas and God Bless,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Merry Christmas! I am so excited that Christmas time is here! I love when Mrs. Claus and the elves start decorating the North Pole for the season. Even more, I love the smell of all those Christmas cookies that Mrs. Claus makes every year! What is your favorite Christmas cookie #{firstName}?

I've been checking my list and I see that you, #{firstName}, have been a very good #{gender} this year! I saw that you have #{accomplishments}. Because you have been on your best behavior, #{firstName}, you are on my Nice List! Please tell your #{friendType}, #{friendName} that #{friendGenderSubj} is on my Nice List too! I see that you are hoping for #{wishes}. Remember we still have a little bit of time 'til Christmas so make sure you keep being a good #{gender} so I can bring you some of these special gifts for Christmas Eve.

My reindeer and I love flying over your house in #{cityAndState} on Christmas Eve. Make sure you get to bed early on that night so I can come see you. Remember, I can't come 'til all the boys and girls on my list are sleeping. Mmmmm! I smell a fresh batch of white chocolate chunk peppermint cookies that Mrs. Claus just pulled out of the oven. I'd better go get some before the elves eat all of them! Remember to be a good #{gender} and stay on my Nice list! Have a Merry Christmas, #{firstName}, and I'll see you real soon!

Your Friend,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Do I have good news for you! You have made my Nice List, #{firstName}. You have been so good that the elves are already hard at work preparing your gifts in my workshop. Thank you for being such a good #{gender} this year. We have never had so many good boys and girls make my Nice List before, so I need your help! Can you be the one to tell your #{friendType}, #{friendName} that #{friendGenderSubj} has made the Nice List too? My sack of presents is filled to the brim and my workshop has never been jollier knowing how many good boys and girls there are this year.

I am so happy to see that you have been #{accomplishments}! While you have been busy in #{cityAndState}, I have been busy here in the North Pole workshop getting ready for Christmas. We are making more presents than ever this year and I see that you are hoping for #{wishes}. I have a feeling you are going to be a very happy #{gender} on Christmas morning when you open your presents early in the morning.

My sled is decorated with jingle bells, tinsel, and a playlist of Christmas Carols to lead me around the world. Enclosed, you will find magical reindeer food that will help us find your house and drop off your presents. Don't forget, they love carrots too! If it isn't too much trouble, I would love some cookies and milk, #{firstName}. Well, I must get back to my workshop and oversee the toy making. I will see you really soon!

Merry Christmas,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

I hope this letter makes it to you on time! I am writing to you all the way from the North Pole with an urgent matter. My head elf has informed me that you are not on my Nice List for this Christmas! #{firstName} I will be so sad if I don't get to come by your house in #{cityAndState}. But, I have good news #{firstName}. You still have time to make it on to my list! I know you can be a good #{gender}, #{firstName} and I will get to come see you!

It looks like you have a few things to work on to get on my Nice List. Please work on #{Improvements}. This would make the elves and I so happy! I see that for Christmas you are really hoping for #{wishes}. My elves are hoping they can make these and maybe a few extra surprises for me to bring you on Christmas Eve! But remember #{firstName} there is not much time left so you really need to work on being a good #{gender}! Maybe you can ask your Friend, #{friendName}, to help you stay on my Nice List!

Well #{firstName} I have to go, I have so much to do before the big day! I'll be checking in on you to see how your doing. Merry Christmas!

Your Friend,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Haven't you heard? I'm coming to town. Yes, your town! I am writing to you personally, #{firstName} to let you know that even though you're traveling this Christmas, you will not be forgotten on my voyage around the world. My reindeer are fully trained on how to find "out of towners" on the Nice List, and that includes you, #{firstName}. Thank you for letting us know where you'll be this Christmas and where we can deliver your presents.

Here in the North Pole, we go out of our way for the good #{gender} who makes the Nice List and are so proud of you and your #{accomplishments}. Our elves have been working extra hard in my workshop on your #{wishes} so they make it into our Traveling Sleigh Bag before Christmas Eve! And please don't forget to tell your #{friendType} #{friendName}so #{friendGenderSubj} knows they won't be forgotten as well.

Our NORAD GPS TRACKER has confirmed your Christmas destination has the perfect landing strip for my sleigh, so your Christmas presents will make it safely to #{cityAndState}. Remember, no matter where you are, I will be watching so make sure to get to bed early on Christmas Eve, #{firstName} and continue to be a good #{gender}. I will see you very soon!

Your Friend,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Merry Christmas! I am happy to see that, even though you are getting older, your name continues to appear on my Nice List. Keep up the good work, #{firstName}. I see that this year you #{accomplishments}. Great Job! #{firstName}, you have become such a fine young #{gender}.

I know that you are getting too old for children's toys, but I do see that you are hoping for #{wishes}. Well, #{firstName}, I will make sure to pack those in my big red bag. I know that as you get older, #{firstName}, it gets harder to believe in Santa Claus. But remember, it isn't just about believing in me, but about believing in the Spirit of Christmas. And even though you think you are too old for me, I will still be checking in on you from time to time to make sure that your name stays on the Nice List!

It will be great to come see you again in #{cityAndState}. Please tell your #{friendType} , #{friendName} , that I will be coming to see #{friendGenderObj} too. I also know that you like to stay up late, but please try to get to bed early on Christmas Eve so I can come visit you. Well, #{firstName}, keep up the great work and I will see you very soon.

Your Friend,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Hi there! It's me, Santa, and I see you have had another great year on the Nice List in #{cityAndState}. I can't believe how much you have grown and how helpful you have been. You're becoming such a big #{gender}. Thank you for #{accomplishments}, myself and the elves are very proud of you!

While you have been a busy little #{gender} I have been making my list and checking it twice and I'm happy to report that you have been nice, nice, nice. Because of that, my Head Elf, Buddy himself is designing an extra special toy for you this year. Speaking of toys, I see that you are hoping for #{wishes}. I have already told the rest of the elves to start working hard on your wish list because you are so high up on the Nice List this year. Please tell your #{friendType} #{friendName} that #{friendGenderSubj} made my Nice List too.

While the elves are toy-making in the workshop, Mrs. Claus and I are enjoying the holiday season ourselves by baking cookies, decorating our Christmas tree, and singing our favorite Christmas songs. What are some of your favorite Christmas songs, #{firstName}?

Well, I better get back to helping Mrs. Claus decorate the North Pole for Christmas! Remember to get to bed early on Christmas Eve, #{firstName} and continue to be a good #{gender}. I will see you very soon!

Your Friend,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Merry Christmas! Your Santa Mail has arrived and it comes with good news, you have made my Nice List, #{firstName}! It has been such a marvelous winter wonderland here at the North Pole that the reindeer and I have been making snowmen and snow-reindeer when we aren't preparing for our big night around the world on Christmas Eve. Mrs. Claus and I have been ice skating and sleigh-riding because this is our favorite time of year. What is your favorite Christmas activity, #{firstName}?

When checking in on you in #{cityAndState}, #{firstName} I see that you have #{accomplishments} this year. Nothing makes me prouder, great job! Because of what a good #{gender} you have been, my Head Elf, Buddy has informed me that you are hoping for #{wishes}. Since you have been a particularly good #{gender} this year I will make sure the items on your wish list are on the top of my big, red bag of presents this Christmas Eve, which means you need to go to bed as early as possible! Make sure to tell your #{friendType} #{friendName} about your early bedtime so #{friendGenderSubj} gets presents on time too!

#{firstName}, would you mind leaving me some scrumptious cookies and cold milk for when I arrive on Christmas Eve? That would be such a wonderful surprise. Well, I need to get back to my workshop to start loading presents into my sleigh for my big night. So continue to be a good #{gender}, and I'll see you real soon!

Merry Christmas,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Merry first Christmas, little one! What an exciting year this has been for you, #{firstName}. I would just like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Santa Claus and I know we are going to be great friends! Every year, I will be checking in on you to make sure that you are being a good #{gender}. If you have been a good #{gender}, then your name goes on my Nice List! I see that this year you have #{accomplishments}, and because you are so sweet, you are on my Nice List for the very first time! Congratulations, #{firstName}, that is something to be very proud of!

I see that you, #{firstName}, are in #{cityAndState}, what a great place to live! I live at the North Pole with Mrs. Claus, my elves and my magical reindeer. Right now, we are getting ready to come see all the good boys and girls on Christmas Eve! #{firstName}, Christmas Eve is the most important day here at the North Pole. Throughout the year, the elves work in Santa's Workshop making all kinds of presents for all the good boys and girls of the world. Then, on Christmas Eve, I get in my big red sleigh pulled by my eight reindeer and travel around the world to deliver all the toys! It is so much fun!

This year I have packed my sleigh with #{wishes} just for you! Please tell your #{friendType} #{friendName}, that I will be bringing gifts for #{friendGenderObj} too! Okay, #{firstName}, I have to get back to my workshop so continue to be a good #{gender}.

Merry First Christmas,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Did you know that no matter what is going on in the world, Santa never misses a Christmas? It's true! In the history of Christmas - dating back hundreds and thousands of years, I have never missed a Christmas and I don't intend on something like the Coronavirus to alter my flawless reputation! Especially since I have so many good boys and girls like you #{firstName}, on my Nice List this year.

You have been such a good #{gender} this year, especially under these different times. I'm particularly impressed that you have #{accomplishments}. On behalf of myself, Mrs. Claus, and my elves, we are all so proud of you and can't wait to come see you in #{cityAndState}! Please tell your #{friendType} #{friendName} that #{friendGenderObj} good behavior has been noticed too, which is why they have also made my Nice List.

Wearing a face mask around the workshop hasn't been easy, but, just like you we are adjusting. As a matter of fact, the elves are hard at work making fun face masks for everyone at the North Pole. I also see that they are making #{wishes}, I wonder what special child those gifts are going too?

I know that times are different these days, but there's no better time than now to be on the Nice List and you have officially made it, congratulations! Rest assured #{firstName} that I will be washing my hands and sanitizing in between every home visit around the world so you, your home, and your presents will be safer than ever. I will see you very soon!

Your Friend,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

Dear #{firstName},

Merry Christmas! Another Christmas has come and gone, but you know what my favorite part about Christmas was? I was able to visit you in your home in #{cityAndState} on Christmas Eve. Thank goodness you were sound asleep. I was worried Rudolph or one of the other reindeer was going to wake you up with how loud they walk. We practice landing at the North Pole so we can be as quiet as a mouse.

While I was at your home, I left you some presents, and I hope you really liked them. I left you #{wishes}. Buddy, my Head Elf, makes sure your wish list is up to date and everything was just right for you. The reason I left these presents for you is because you have #{accomplishments}. This makes me so happy.

You are such a good #{gender}, #{firstName}. I’m so proud of all the great things you did last year. Keep up the great work so you can stay on my nice list for next year. Just remember how special you are, and you are what makes Christmas so magical. Tell your #{friendType} #{friendName} that I’m proud of #{friendGenderObj} too. Well, I have to go…Mrs. Claus and I are going on a long vacation. See you next year.

Your Friend,

P.S. #{postScriptum}

#{firstName} #{lastName}

3. Awesome! Scroll down to personalize the video

Magical Video Just for Your Kid

Child’s Name

This name will be displayed in the picture that Santa is holding

This name will be spoken by Santa and Elves.

Child’s Pictures

Max upload size: 6 MB

Drop or select your child’s first picture *

Make sure your child’s face is in the center of the photo

Drop or select your child’s second picture *

Make sure your child’s face is in the center of the photo

I Have All The Answers

Our primary focus is ensuring you and your child(ren) LOVE the experience we provide at SealedBySanta. If we fall short, we will make it right by offering a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Please visit our "Money Back Guarantee" page for all the details.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. We have a 100% secure, SSL encryped payment page.

Please visit our "Contact Us" page to see the various ways to connect with us.

Yes, prices are subject to change. Prices may fluctuate due to factors like market conditions, promotions, or updates to our products or services. We strive to keep our pricing competitive and fair for our customers.

Our prices are determined based on the enchanting packages and personalized experiences we offer. Factors influencing pricing include the chosen package, customization options, and any special features you select to create a unique and magical experience for your child. We strive to maintain competitive and fair pricing while providing exceptional holiday moments for your family.

Our high-quality, 3D animated video is one of a kind, and can be personalized in a variety of ways:

1. Child's Name in Text Form - Your child will be able to see their name featured on Santa's Nice List screen in the video.

2. Child's Name Spoken by Santa and Buddy the Elf - This video is the only personalized video where multiple characters will address your child by name. Our two main characters are Santa Claus and Buddy the Elf. Both will speak your child's name in their own unique voice.

3. Child's picture (up to 2 pictures) - Your child will be able to see their picture featured on Santa's Nice List screen in the video.

One field is how you want your child's name spelled and visually seen in the video on Santa's Nice List screen. The other field is how you want your child's name pronounced audibly by Santa and the Elf. After you enter the Child's Spoken Name, you can hear a preview of the pronounciation to ensure its correct before proceeding.

No, these voices are real and each name is stored in our database.

If your child's name is not found in our database, first try entering another spelling variation of your child's name (i.e. if your child's name is spelled "Eric", try this variation of the spelling "Erik"). If no variation of your child's name exists, you can still create the video that will feature your child's name in text form and their photos, but the characters won't verbally say your child's name.

You''ll receive a link to the video in your inbox with the ability to download it and watch it as many times as you'd like.

You will receive it within 24hrs of ordering.

Yes, and we encourage that so you can have it for years to come.

Yes, with any of our Santa packages, you can personalize a video with up to 3 kids.

The personalization process for our letters from Santa is easy and fun! During your order, you'll have the opportunity to provide specific details about your child, such as their name, accomplishments, and even special wishes. Our system will use this information to create a unique and heartwarming letter from Santa Claus. You can review and customize the content to ensure it's just right before finalizing your order. It's a magical way to create a personalized holiday experience for your child with Sealed by Santa.

Yes, definitely. You can order as many packages as you'd like. However, each child will receive their own unique package in the mail. Please note, if you want to order two packages and have them mailed to two different mailing addresses, you must create two separate orders.

You can order your package right now, and we will ship our first batch of orders so you receive it right after Thanksgiving.

Currently, we are only shipping within the USA. We will be expanding to other countries next year.

Each order will be processed within 3 business days of the order. Once we ship the order, you will receive a tracking number so you know exactly where the package is at all times.

To place an order for delivery, simply visit our website, select the package you want, and proceed to the cart then checkout. Provide your shipping address and payment details, and we'll take care of the rest. You'll receive a confirmation and estimated delivery time.

The last day to order is December 18th with regular shipping. We do recommend that you order earlier in the season and not to wait. We do offer expedited shipping.

Orders start shipping November 1st and ship 24-72 hours after the order is placed. Once the order is shipped you will receive a shipping notification from USPS.

Yes we do. Christmas is all about the Christmas magic! Letter Template: “You are never to old to believe” will explain that Christmas is more then just about presents but also believing in Christmas magic!

If there are more than one kid in your family, Santa can create one video for all of them or a separate video for each kid. Every other item is going to be individual for each kid per package.

Yes we do! Sometimes a child needs a little extra reminder to get on Santa's Nice List. Our Naughty letter will remind them that Christmas is on the way and there is still time to make Santa’s Nice List!

Yes we do! Even though COVID is here, the North Pole is taking all precautions for a safe Christmas Eve delivery! Santa has never missed a Christmas and he wont miss this year either!

Yes we do! You can choose letter template “Baby’s First Christmas”. This is a great way to introduce Santa and start the Santa letter tradition!

Don’t Miss my Letters!

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